
My 'Awesome' Pen Pal (Prussia x Reader) Chapter 4

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"So, mon ami, 'ow is ________ doing?" Gilbert glared in his direction.

"I don't know, I didn't get her letter yet. Besides, I vouldn't tell you guys anyzhing! After vhat you two did you both probably scared her off! She von't ever talk to me again." Antonio placed a hand on Gilberts shoulder.

"Don't be so dramatic, mi amigo. I'm sure everything will be fine. I mean we didn't do anything that bad, right Francis?"

"Oui." Gilbert groaned and waited for his teacher to hand out the envelopes. He needed to fix the 'little' accident his friends caused, fast. He liked his new pen pal, and he wanted to keep talking to her, but if his friends kept acting like nut jobs then he was pretty sure his pen pal would end up sending him empty letters.

"Gilbert Beilschmidt." He shot up quickly.

"Finally!" He grabbed the envelope from his teachers hands and took his seat. 'Okay Gil, time to see vhat ________ wrote.' He opened the envelope and took out the letter inside. He read it, not knowing his friends were reading over his shoulder, and chuckled after he was done.

"So, she's going to get me back, eh? Vell, we'll just see about zhat." He folded the letter back up and put it inside his backpack. When he leaned back in his seat, his friends nudged him.


"What are you going to write 'er now?"

"Si, what are you going to do?" Gilbert turned back around and laughed his signature laugh.

"Kesese, you'll see guys, you'll see." And so the three sat back and continued to listen to their teacher.


Gilbert decided it was now time to write back. It was Math class so of course he decided now was the right time! He took out a pencil and a piece of paper, and laughed as he began to write.

   Dear ________,
Hallo fraulein. Sorry for that really crappy letter. My friend Toni took it out of my hands and gave it to my teacher before I could even finish it. And seriously? You have friends just like mine? That could be a problem, and yet it could also come to your advantage. My friends and I here are known to be called the BTT or the Bad Touch Trio. My two friends I can understand, but me...yeah I have no idea. I don't give women a bad touch, in fact it's the opposite, kesesesese~! Am I making you blush? I know I am, my awesomeness can sense it. Kesese, oh hey, my Math teacher is looking at me. But why does she have that huge ruler in her hand? She looks kinda angry. I wonder wh-


"Jeez, my wrist!!! I zhink you broke it!"

"You will not be writing your letter in my class, Mr. Beilschmidt! You should be doing the work I have given you."

"Fine! Just don't smack my wrist vith your huge a** ruler!" He was smacked again.

"Language!" She turned towards the board.

"Dang es, Frau!!!" She drew her ruler up and turned to Gilbert with a glare.

"What was that?!" Gilbert flinched.

"N-nozhing!" When she finally turned around, Gilbert pouted and placed the letter into his bag. He decided he'd finish it later, when this crazy woman was far away from him.

(At his place)

"Luddy, i'm home~!" Gilbert slammed the door as he entered, Ludwigs dogs getting up to bark at him.

"Okay, okay stop! I'm sorry for slamming zhe door! West control your pets!"

"SIT!!!" The dogs sat at their masters command. Who, speaking of which, was now coming down the stairs with a pile of laundry in his hands.

"Bruder I told you not to call me zhat. Und stop scaring my dogs, you know how much zhey hate it vhen you slam zhe door." Gilbert just ignored him and slowly made his way to his room.

"Ja, vhatever you say, Bro." He walked over to the door of the basement and opened it, whistling as he walked down the dark steps. If he were any other person, he would've found this part of the house absolutely terrifying, but since his room 'was' the basement he quickly learned to grow used to it. If anything, his room was now his own awesome secret lair! As he reached the last step, he quickly flicked on the lights. Gilbird tweeted in excitement at the sight of his masters return.

"Hallo little buddy!" Gilbert went over to open Gilbird's cage and waited for the little guy to land on his head.

"Guess vhat I got today!" Gilbird tweeted, as if asking, "What?"

"I got ________'s letter! She's not freaked out by my friends too! She's so awesome! Vell, not as awesome as I am, but she's still pretty awesome either vay." Gilbird tweeted in excitement again. Gilbert always let his little friend read the letters ________ sent, and Gilbird liked how they turned out so far.

"Don't get too excited now. Just vait until you read zhe letter I got today. I zhink you are going to love it." He took out your letter and placed in onto the bed for Gilbird to read. When his friend fluttered down onto the piece of paper, Gilbert quickly brought out his responce letter and sat at his desk. He was going to finish this letter and no one was going to stop him this time. No one!

Sorry about that. My Math teacher smacked my wrist with her freaking huge Ruler of Doom just for writing in her class. She is so not awesome. I seriously think she broke something! I should sue her, just to see how much she likes having her day ruined! Kesesesese, i'm so amazing! Well i'm home right now, and i'm trying to figure out what to write to you. Hmm...oh I know! I remember when you mentioned you were going to get me back for scaring you in my last letter. Well little fraulein, i'd just love to see you try. I am the awesome master of pranks; there is no possible way you could ever get back at me, kesese~!

Gilbert stopped writing when he heard someone knock on the basement door.

"Vhat do you vant, West? I'm kinda busy at zhe moment." Ludwig walked in with a perplexed look.

"You? Busy? Vell zhat's a surprise." Gilbert gave him a small glare but stopped when he noticed a laundry basket in his brothers hands.

"Vhat are you doing vith zhat?" Ludwig placed the basket infront of his brother and crossed his arms, as if he was waiting for something.

"Put your dirty clothes in zhere. Ve're doing our laundry today."

"Vait a minute, 'we' are?"

"Ja, ve are. Now hurry up." Gilbert all but stared at his little brother blankly, staring at him as if he were from another planet. Ludwig noticed the look he was giving him and gave Gilbert a look of his own. And it was a lot more intimidating than any other person, place, or thing in the world! Gilbert blinked and turned back towards his letter, making sure to write as quick as lightning!

My baby bruder is here. He's nagging me to do my laundry. Gott, he's just like our Mutti. He even has Vatti's stare. I mean I have it too, but it only shows when i'm being serious or when i'm angry, but it rarely ever comes up.

"You don't ever have zhat look. I vould know, I mean i've lived vith you most of my life. Und stop calling me veird zhings to your pen pal!"

"You don't know me behind zhe scenes, Luddy. And I can call you vhatever I vant to! It's my freakin' letter, so I choose how I vant to write it!" Ludwig rolled his eyes and returned to the basket.

"Fine, just stop writing for eine second und do your laundry."

"uh yeah, nein." Ludwig stopped everything he was doing. He slowly turned towards his brother, who was sitting in his chair with a very familiar smirk. He looked so confident.

"Vhat did you say?"

"You heard me." Ludwig's eye twitched. This wasn't going to end well.

"Bruder, do your laundry before I-"

"Before you vhat, West?"

"Before I-"


"BEFORE I ROUND HOUSE KICK YOU IN ZHE THROAT!!!" All became silent. Even the birds outside were quiet. Gilbert slowly rose from his seat, his smirk still in place. Ludwig watched his moves carefully. He was up to something again, but what? They both started to circle around each other, like wolves getting ready to attack one another. It was after they circled each other a fifth time was when Gilbert finally decided to make a run for it.

"Vhat zhe-? You arschloch, get back here!!!" Ludwig chased his brother throughout the house, hearing his brothers annoying laughter during this whole stupid situation. Gilbert laughed and laughed until he finally reached the one place he was looking for. He quickly opened the attic door and climbed up inside, making sure to close the door quickly before his brother noticed it was open. Gilbert sat near the window of the attic and listened.

He could still hear his brother running around and yelling for him to come out of hiding. But he wouldn't come out. Well at least until he finished his letter or when his brother decided to give up his search and destroy mission (which Gilbert highly doubted he would do). Gilbert sighed and brought out his letter again. Now he will finish it, no more interruptions!

I'm now hiding from my brother and I found the perfect hiding spot, too! The attic. My bruder will never even think to look for me here! I can hear him yelling from up here, and man does he sound mad. Kesesesese, he should be used to this~! I mean he should know better than to tell the awesome me to do chores! Wow it's getting late. I totally lost track of time after my brother started chasing me around the house. Dang and I wanted to talk to you some more.

Well i'll probably talk to you again when I get your letter back. But before I end this letter, is it okay if I asked you something? Would you...consider us friends now? I mean I don't just think of you as a pen pal anymore. You seem like a pretty awesome (not as awesome as me, though) person to talk to, so even after this project I still want to talk to you. So i'll ask again, do you consider us friends now? Well I gotta go. I hope to hear from you soon. Gute Nacht, ________.

You're awesome (hope to be) friend,

Gilbert yawned and folded the letter up. He'd end it like that for today. Now he had to go and face death himself. He opened the attic door and warily looked around him. Okay, so far so good. He turned to close the door, feeling as if Ludwig finally stopped looking for him. He smiled and turned to walk to his room...but only ended up coming face to face with his dearest little brother. Oh crap.

"Heheheh, hey's it going?" Gilbert nervously backed away from his brother, who was slowly advancing towards him with a look to kill.

"Look Ludwig, i'm really sorry. It's just zhat I vas really hoping to write back to my pen pal und-" his back hit a wall. Sh**!

"Und I really needed to write her back, okay! My teachers vouldn't let me finish my letter and I tried to finish it in my room, but zhen you came in und started making me do chores. So because of that I ended up having very, VERY little time to finish it, so yeah I guess i'm sorry?" Ludwig stopped. The man sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Fine Gilbert, you're off zhe hook for now. But you have to clean your laundry tomorrow, because I refuse to do it for you." Gilbert smirked and hugged his brother.

"Danke Luddy~!"

"Stop calling me zhat!!!"

"Kesesesese, never~!!!"
Sorry if this chapter was really short. It's just that i'm working on a couple of other things right now, and I felt like I had to get this chapter out before I worked on those things. Also i'm so sorry if all of the German parts of the story are horribly wrong. My biggest mistake was going to google for answers. I promise to give you guys the translations when I remember what they were again. Although the part where he yells at his teacher is supposed to be "Dang it, Woman!" That's all I know. So I really hope you enjoy this chapter of the story! ^_^

The thing that gave me the insperation to write this chapter was this -> [link] (it's a Prussia AMV with the song King of the World. I thought it fit his character perfectly.)

Chapter 1: [link]

Chapter 2: [link]

Chapter 3: [link]

Chapter 4: Me: *Starts humming Rolling Girl* Kage: ....she doesn't feel like saying it this time. -_-

Chapter 5: [link]

Chapter 6: [link]

Chapter 7: Me: *Starts humming Butterfly On Your Right Shoulder* X3 Kage: ....she's working on it. -_-
© 2012 - 2024 SunlessVamp95
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Snowflake7543's avatar
This was Awesome!!!! :happybounce: