
My 'Awesome' Pen Pal (Prussia x Reader) Chapter 8

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The next morning found you and Gilbert getting ready to leave for Starbucks. Gilbert checked his wallet, making sure he had enough money to buy two cups of coffee, and smirked when he had the right amount. He put his wallet away in one of his pockets just as his bedroom door opened. Gilbert quirked a brow at his younger brother, who had a slight curious look in his eye.

"Uh hey, Ludwig. Guten Morgen."

"Ja, Guten Morgen to you too, bruder." Gilbert continued to get ready, but couldn't help but notice that Ludwig was still there, staring at him. Gilbert turned back towards his brother.

"Did you need somezhing?"

"Has it ever occured to you zhat you have acted strangely yesterday?" Gilbert blinked.

"No, but since you said it, you must have noticed somezhing. Vhat changed, bruder?"

"Vell, you've been acting like you vere around Elizaveta again." Gilbert stared at his brother in confusion. Just where was he going with this?

"Okay so-?"

"It means you're developing a crush on your pen pal." It became quiet between the two, when Gilbert suddenly broke the silence with a booming laugh. He laughed so much that his sides hurt, and he literally ended up rolling around on the floor because of it. Ludwig twitched in annoyance and nudged his brother off the floor.

"I-i'm sorry, but it's just vhen you said zhat-hahahahaha!" Gilbert laughed again, and Ludwig had to kick his brother in order to stop him.

"Bruder, shut up for eine second und listen to me. Zhis is zhe exact same vay you've been acting around Elizaveta. You're acting like some loyal, love sick puppy! You're only going to get hurt in zhe end, just like last time!" Gilbert rolled his eyes, and picked himself up off the floor.

"Ludwig zhis is ridiculous. Me und ________ are just friends. I mean I just saw her yesterday, how can I end up getting a crush on her in just one day? Zhat's just stupid!" Gilbert went to leave his room up, but Ludwig stopped him.

"Bruder your pen pal is only staying here until winter break ends, if you end up falling in-"

"Ludwig, zhat's enough!" Ludwig flinched at the authoritive tone his older brother used.

"I know zhat she is only staying here until break ends, okay?" Gilbert turned to his brother, "Now I need you to listen to me, just zhis once. I do not like her,  she is just a friend, und I vill continue to hang out vith my friend until break ends. So I don't vant to hear anymore of your ridiculous assumptions until zhen, alright?" Gilbert gave his little brother a look and Ludwig gulped down the lump that formed in his throat. This was the first time he'd ever seen Gilbert like this. He's never seen his big brother use any form of authority towards him, ever!

"J-ja. Okay, bruder."

"Alright. Now i'm going to get coffee vith ________ like I said i'd do. Ve'll probably be back by noon for lunch."

"Okay, bruder. I'll see you later zhen." Gilbert left his room and found you standing in the living room, admiring the pictures of the many trips he and his family went through. Gilbert smirked and walked up behind you, dragging his fingers up your spine just to scare you. Sad part is that it actually worked.

"Guten Morgen,  ________! Kesesesese~!"

"Gilbert, don't do that! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" You yelled, a hand placed over your frantically beating heart.

"I know, vhy do you zhink I did it!" You playfully glared at him and nudged him.

"Come on, let's go get that coffee you offered to pay for." Gilbert chuckled and wrapped his arm around your shoulders like he usually did.

"Okay, okay. Bye Luddy~!"


"Love you too, Luddy!" Gilbert slammed the door shut before his brother could say anything else, and walked beside you towards the nearest Starbucks.

"So you both do this everyday, huh?" You asked with a smirk.

"Yep! I know zhat everytime he insults me, he's actually saying zhat he loves his big bruder vith all his heart."

"Uh, yeah. Sure."

"Kesesesese~!" You giggled and continued to walk with your friend, thinking about how the trip was turning out, while Gilbert thought about what his brother said.
'Is it true? Have I really changed in just one day? Zhat can't be possible. I mean I still feel like my awesome self, und my friends haven't said anyzhing. Maybe it's just nozhing...' Gilbert glanced at you from the corner of his eye. You had a gentle smile upon your face, the morning light making your eyes shine radiantly. Gilbert's face warmed at the sight of the beautiful person walking beside him. When he realized this, he mentally slapped himself and stared ahead with a look of disbelief.

'Vhat zhe heck vas zhat?! I can't possibly....nein! My face just got warmer because of zhe cold, zhat's all!' Gilbert turned to look at you again. You were now looking around yourself, watching the sights you seemed to miss from yesterday.

'Ludwig said zhat i've been acting like I vas around Elizaveta again. Vell obviously I don't hang around her, so does zhat mean zhat ________ acts like her? ...Zhat can't be right, I mean Elizaveta always called me an idiot, or a jerk. Hell, she even hit me vith her blasted skillet, but ________....she's treated me differently.' Gilbert looked at you one last time, wondering if maybe your outer appearance looked like Elizaveta's. You noticed him watching this time, and turned to give him a smile. Gilberts face warmed again.

"Gilbert, is everything alright?" You asked as you both finally made it to Starbucks.

"Uh, ja. Everyzhing is fine." You smiled at him again and walked inside, instantly smelling the coffee grounds. Gilbert smiled at you in return and walked in behind you, chuckling as you practically skipped towards the counter.

'No, she isn't like Elizaveta. She's better.'

(Time Skip~!)

After having coffee with Gilbert, you both thought that it just wasn't enough. You both needed real food in the morning! So what better place than to go to some fast food joint with a breakfast menu. [1] Since Gilbert bought the coffee, you decided to pay for the meal, even if he complained, saying that you really shouldn't pay for his meal. After you both ordered your food, you both sat in a booth near a window, watching the cars drive by the little establishment. Gilbert bit into a sausage and looked up at you.

"So ______, tell me more about yourself." You blinked in his direction.

"What do you mean? I thought I told you when we were writing to each other."

"Ja, you did. But I vant you to tell me face to face zhis time. Besides, I feel like you didn't tell me 'everything' during zhe project."

"Oh, well okay then. So you already know my name-"

"Und your friends und families names."

"Yeah, so I guess I should tell you something from my past."

"Embarrassing moments included." Gilbert said with a smirk. You stuck your tongue out at him.

"No, i'm not mentioning those. Besides it's my mother's job to talk about them, especially when i'm not around." [2] Gilbert laughed.

"Kesese, your mother does zhat too? Ha, my mutti vas probably a little vorse. She always had baby pictures of Ludwig and I. So vhen she told her friends about some veird incident of ours, she had zhe pictures vith her to back them up." Gilberts head met the table in a matter of seconds.

"IT SUCKED!!!" You gently patted his head, holding the laughter in as he let out a sob or two.

"My bruder und I tried to get rid of the pictures, but she alvays had more copies! Zhere vere moments vhere I literally thought she pulled zhem out of thin air just to show her friends!"

"She only does it because she thought it was just too cute." Gilbert scoffed.

"Yeah I know. But vhen you reach zhe age of FOURTEEN, it gets kinda degrading. I mean, seriously!" You laughed.

"Okay, okay, calm down Gilbert. Why don't we talk about something else." Gilbert sighed and leaned back in his seat, getting a little more comfortable.

"Fine. Vhat do you vant to talk about?"

"So you're in the Bad Touch Trio...did you and your friends ever have some sort of 'adventure' while you three were together?" Gilbert smiled, remembering many events that happened while he was with his friends, but stopped when he remembered something.

"Hey, I thought ve were talking about you?" You smiled.

"We will. Once you tell me a little story about you and your friends, i'll tell you about this one hilarious incident I got mixed into with my friends." Gilbert smirked and held out his hand. Your smile widened as you shook his hand.

"Okay, deal. Now back vhen I vas just getting into high school, zhis was before zhe project by zhe vay, my friends und I decided to be zhe welcoming committee for all of zhe students zhat came through the doors of zhe school. Ve would use loud sounds to make zhem jump, und follow some other students, while wearing Halloween masks, choosing just zhe right moment to scare them out of zheir skirt or pants. Most of zhe students decided to ignore our antics, even the teachers ignored us, but zhat vas when an old friend of mine came into zhe picture." You leaned in closer as Gilbert paused for effect. He smirked when you did this.

"Her name vas Elizaveta. Ve knew each other since ve were just children. But after growing up ve both just sorta vent our seperate ways." More like she decided to get away from him, but Gilbert wouldn't mention that.

"Anyvays, she vas our last victim for zhe day. We decided to make a flour bomb. It vas just a bag of flour zhat ve held open above her head. Vhen we dropped it...vell she wasn't happy. After all of zhe flour stuck to her head and clothes, she brought out her trusty skillet und started chasing zhe three of us around the school." You blanched.

"A-a skillet?! Why did she have a skillet with her?!" Gilbert shrugged.

"I don't know. It vas just her favorite weapon to use on people. She honestly had no reason to bring it to zhe school, though. I mean she didn't even have a cooking class, and yet she still brought it vith her!"


"Yeah, so anyvays back to zhe story. So she was chasing us vith her skillet, und Francis...oh Francis....he vas zhe first to go. He thought zhat charming her vould get her to stop. It didn't vork. She literally smacked him out of zhe vay as she chased after Toni and me. She vas like a raging bull! Next vas Toni. He tried to hold her off vhile I escaped, und it vorked for a while, until I turned a corner und ran back into her again. All I gotta say is zhat I got zhe beating of a life time zhat day!" Gilbert laughed at the memory, but it sounded so fake. You noticed this, and wanted to ask him about it, but he had already finished his meal and was getting ready to leave.

"Come on, ________. I kinda vant to go und look for zhis game one of my friends told me about." You watched as he dug his hands into his pockets and nodded. If he didn't want to talk about it, then he didn't have to now.

(Another time skip~)

The both of you were walking home at sun down instead of noon, like Gilbert had promised his brother. You both had ended up going to the park, just to build a snowman, and watch snow fall above your heads again. Time passed quickly, before you both realized it, and now here you were walking side by side, talking about the days events. As you both were walking, Gilbert noticed something shift from the corner of his eye. Gilbert frowned and put a protective arm around your waist.

"Gilbert, what are you doing?"

"Shh, just play along." You blinked when he whispered this to you. You moved closer to whisper back, "play along for what?"

"Ve're being followed, but don't vorry, i'll make sure you get home safe und sound."

"B-but what about you?!" Gilbert stayed silent as he kept staring ahead.

"Gilbert? GILBERT?!" He never answered your harsh whispers. Just as you both were about to turn a corner, a hand ripped you away from your protector.

"Gil-!" The thug put a hand over your mouth.

"Quiet you!" Gilbert quickly turned to glare at the group behind him.

"Let her go you filthy b******s!" The leader of the group laughed.

"Sure, we could let her go. Or you could give us all the money in your wallet and maybe, MAYBE we could give her back." Another thug chuckled.

"I say we keep her, boss. The women we usually took weren't nearly as hot as this one." You flinched. Were these jerks going to rape you?! Oh god Gilbert, help! Said friend noticed the distressed look in your eyes and sighed. He knew what he had to do. He glared at the thugs in a threatening manner and charged at them. They didn't expect him to react so suddenly and were hit from the impact. When the thug that was holding you released you, you made sure to quickly run towards Gilbert.

"Nein!" Gilbert yelled when you were close enough. Instead he pushed you behind him, right in the direction of his house.

"________ I vant you to run home vhile I keep these jerks busy."

"But Gilbert, what about you?!"

"Don't vorry about me, just get home to Ludwig!" Gilbert then left you to attack some other thug who was stupid enough to try and snatch you away again. You did as Gilbert told you and ran, the fear, worry, and adrenaline pumping in your veins, making you run faster. Luckily for you, no one had followed you as you walked up to the door. You slammed your fist against the door frantically, hearing Ludwigs dogs bark behind it. The man behind the door ordered his dogs to sit while he opened the door, getting ready to scold Gilbert for being late, again. When he only found you, he arched a brow in question.

"Vhere is Gilbert? I zhought he vas with you before you both left zhe house."

"Gilbert's in trouble! He's fighting off some idiot thugs while I came back here to get your help......YOU GOTTA HELP HIM!!!" You yelled, tears running down your cheeks. Ludwigs eyes widened.

"F***, not again. ________, I vant you to call a friend of mine. His name is Feliciano und he vill help you vith anyzhing you need. Vhen he gets here, tell him to call Kiku, alright?" You nodded as he quickly grabbed his cellphone. He was just about to walk out, when he turned to you again.

"Feliciano's number is on zhe fridge, und the house phone is on zhe kitchen counter. I'll be back vith my bruder in just a bit." When he opened the door to find his brother, a surprising sight came before him.

"H-hey Luddy. How's it g-goin'?" Gilbert fell into the house with a thud, making a surprised yelp leave your lips.


"Gilbert!" Ludwig wrapped one of Gilberts arms around his neck.

"________, help me carry him to his room." You nodded.



"He may have several cuts und bruises, but he'll be alright. All he needs now is some rest." Ludwig told you as he put the bandages away.

"Okay." Ludwig turned to look at you. You were a mess. Your eyes were puffy and red from crying so much, and your whole body was shaking from how much you worried over his brother. Ludwig placed a hand on your shoulder.

"_______, he's going to be fine. Trust me." You looked up at him and found a certain gleam in his eyes. He meant what he said.

"....Yeah....we should probably let him rest...."

"Ja. Come on, i'll make us some hot chocolate." You smiled at the blond.


"Che, you better make three cups, zhen." You both turned to stare at the albino, who was smirking at the shocked look on your faces.

"Bruder, I didn't zhink you'd vake up until tomorrow morning!"

"Luddy, zhey only injured me a little bit. I mean i'm not dieing here!"

"I know zhat it's just-" They both stopped when they heard the sound of sobbing. Gilbert turned to you and was surprised. Why were you crying?

"________? Come on, vhat's wrong?" Gilbert asked as he placed a bandaged hand on your shoulder. You looked up at him to give him a watery glare.

"What's wrong? WHAT'S WRONG?! You nearly give me a heart attack and you ask me what's wrong! I thought you were gonna die out there, Gilbert! I.....I....I was so worried." You looked down at your lap and started crying again. Gilbert reached towards you again, but stopped when he noticed his brother was still in the room. Gilbert looked over towards him and cleared his throat.

"Uh bro, could you give us a minute?" The German quirked a curious brow at the question, but decided not to ask since it was obvious you both needed to talk.

"Okay bruder. I'll just go make zhe hot chocolate vhile you handle zhis."

"Danke Ludwig." After he left, Gilbert turned back towards you and placed a hand on your back.

"Shh _______, everyzhing is fine now." Gilbert brought you into his arms, drawing patterns on your back to calm you down. After a while, all you were reduced to was a sniffling mess, clinging onto your Prussian friend for comfort. Gilbert sat there, just holding you until you were ready to talk.


"Yes ________?"

"Why did you do it?" Gilbert blinked.

"Do vhat?"

"Make me run for cover while you fought those thugs." Gilbert chuckled at the question. You looked up at him, cheeks stained a vibrant red from all of the crying.

"What? Why are you laughing?"

"Because it should be pretty obvious to vhy I did it, ________."

"I don't understand."

"________, vhat kind of friend vould I be if I just left you to fend for yourself. Do you even know vhat guys like zhat do to girls like you?"


"Zhen obviously I did zhe right thing. I had to make sure you got home safe und sound vhile I did zhe one thing i'm best at."

"And that would be?"

"Being a distraction! If it can vork on several people at school, und my bruder, zhan it can vork on brainless thugs. Besides, even if zhat doesn't vork zhan I can alvays fight zhem. I mean I may have come home vith a few cuts und bruises, but zhose guys are gonna be limping back to zheir gutters vith somezhing much vorse, kesese~!" You smiled at Gilbert. At least he was feeling better.

"Hey, Gilbert?"

"Ja, ________?"

"Thank you."

".....You're welcome, ________. Like I mentioned before, i'd do just about anyzhing to protect a friend." Gilbert told you softly as he tightened his hold on you. You laughed lightly into his chest and wrapped your arms around him to hug him in return.

"Thank you."
[1]: That one sentence just makes me think of America for some reason. :I
[2]: I swear my own mother does this...along with my aunt, grandma, and maybe several others......uuuuuggggghhhh! -_-'''

Man, I really hate how the rest of this chapter went. I felt like the beginning went great, until I got to the part with the thugs. That's where it all went down hill for me. I may fix it later, maybe. But at least I posted this before I have to go back to school next week.

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JamalKitten's avatar
Is this a friendship or romance??